Here I am, nearing 34 and realizing that I passed my sexual prime with NO PARTNER.
Don't ask how I did it, I just did. And I'm pretty damn bitter about it.
Sometimes I wonder if this is it, if I am destined to the life as a spinster after my sucky and failed attempts at marriage; and then I look at my fucking frumpy body and my opinion is sealed. That's it. Nobody wants me, 'nor will they ever want me, because even if I lose the weight, the extra skin will tell my tale.
Oh yeah, I know, anyone who puts that much stock in physical appearance is not worth it. BLAH FUCKING BLAH.
I put stock in physical appearance; and a man with a stomach flap would turn me off. Yes, it is superficial, but I am an animal, just as men are, and we want the people who have a proven history of taking care of themselves.
My history does not tell that tale.
Is this it for me? Will I never feel a man against my skin again?
It's been two years, can you fault me for overreacting a bit?